Erin Nothdorf – 2024 Hannah Benes Legacy Award Winner
The main thing I love about volleyball is the consistency and discipline it brings to my life. I began playing volleyball in 5th grade, and it has been a major part of my life ever since. Volleyball was always something I could count on to take my mind off everything else in my life, focus, and put in the work. Also, it forced me to learn good time management and accountability. Having practice most days, tournaments on the weekends, and being in hard classes, this schedule forced me to gain those skills quickly. However, one more thing I love about volleyball is everyone I have met throughout the years and all of the friends I have made through playing a sport we all love.
I began at Balance my 15s year and stayed until I graduated and moved on to college. One thing that made my Balance journey a little special was after my 16s season, which was the craziest team in Balance history, I was honestly thinking about changing clubs. However, I texted Patty and asked to talk with her over the phone. This allowed me to talk about my frustrations the year before and her to know where I was coming from. After this call, I decided to stay at Balance and I have never regretted my decision. Patty truly listened to me and heard me out, and I am not sure if I would have been treated the same elsewhere.
I am more of a quiet leader. I will rarely be the loudest on the court or the most energetic, however, I try to lead by example and help others out on the court or during practices. This could be by giving tips, helping with something they may be struggling with, or just something as simple as always being aware of what schedules are and showing up to practice early every day. These leadership skills that I learned from volleyball have transferred off the court by showing me ways I can still be a leader although I may not be the loudest in the room.